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Required Certifications for Employment at Westmed
(if the links don’t work please try to copy the entire link and paste it into your browser.)
NREMT Certification
COVID-19 Vaccination
Complete two live scans, one for DMV and one for State Card (this would save you about $80 and a 3rd live scan if you get your state card through the Santa Clara County EMS)
Form 1 (Santa Clara EMS): You will receive the form directly from Santa Clara County EMS once you start your application. Refer to the last item at the bottom of this page to learn how to start your application.
(You do not need your NREMT certifications to complete the list below)
ICS100: https://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=IS-100.c
IS 700: https://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=IS-700.b
Hazmat First Responder Operations (FRO) It is an 8-hour course that you can’t skip. $80-$85:
Weapons of Mass Destruction Awareness (US DHS Course AWR-160) Free: https://teex.org/class/AWR160/
Standardized Emergency Management System Introduction (SEMS G606) Online Course:
Directions on how to sign up for SEMS G606​:
Click on the following link: ​https://csti-ca.csod.com/
Click the “Browse Training” image (see image below)
When on the "Browse Training" page, type G606 in the search box (upper right side of the page, see second image below)
In the search results, select the Standardized Emergency Management System Introduction (SEMS G606) online course.
Start the course, take some notes, and learn how the State is organized and operates in emergency situations.
Ambulance Driver’s License (a.k.a DL-61)
Medical Examiner’s certification: [there are no pre-requisites for this one. You can obtain this as soon as a Medical Examiner is available. However, you will need this before going to DMV to get your Ambulance Driver's Certificate]
To find a certified medical examiner: https://nationalregistry.fmcsa.dot.gov/home
Required forms:
MCSA-5875 (Medical examination report) https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/regulations/medical/medical-examination-report-form-commercial-driver-medical-certification
MCSA-5876 (Medical examiner’s certificate) https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/regulations/medical/medical-examiners-certificate-commercial-driver-medical-certification
After you obtain the above documentation go to the DMV and take the driving test ($25)
Use the below links to study for your test.
Obtain your state card ($150). If you are planning on working for Westmed, I suggest you submit all of your documents to SCC EMS office. https://emsa.ca.gov/emt/
To obtain your state card, make a new profile on Santa Clara County EMS agency's credentialing portal: https://www.sccgov.org/sites/ems/services/Pages/credentialing.aspx
After making your profile, on the main page, click on "Applications" on the left-hand menu (See Figure 1 below)
Figure 1
In the list of Applications, look for "EMT Certification (Initial).
Click on "Apply Now" and follow the prompt to complete your application.
Santa Clara County (SCC) Badge
Santa Clara County requires an additional certification process for all EMTs working in SCC. At Westmed we require that you have a valid and current SCC badge. You can find more info about the requirements in the link below
Please create a Santa Clara County portal login if you have not already at the following website: https://xsc.emsbridge.com/licensure/public/websites/
Click on "Applications" on the left-hand menu as shown in Figure 1. Under the applications list look for "EMS System ID Badge (Initial). Click on "Apply Now" to submit your documentation and application. ​​
Once you apply for the badge, the SCC EMSA will ask for an employer sponsorship. We will release the sponsorship to SCC EMSA once you attend our orientation.
You will need to register for orientation/exam to get the badge (there are no pre-requisites for this one either, you can take this exam at any time) for more info click on the following link:
To schedule your exam contact the SCC EMS Agency office at (408) 794-0600​
You can download a copy of our study guide for this exam by clicking here.
Submit all your documents for the SCC badge on their portal and call them after to make your payment ($40). Click on the following link to see the list of items you will need to submit. Keep your receipt for this one and we will reimburse you. If you don’t have a receipt we cannot reimburse you for the cost. https://emsagency.sccgov.org/sites/g/files/exjcpb266/files/General/systemIDbadge.pdf